Stuck Between Borders – This Man Spent 18 Years At An Airport


Life At Charles De Gaulle Airport

Surrounded by his luggage and belongings, Nasseri waited days, weeks until he grasped the severity of his situation. He tried to make the most of his situation and spent his day studying and writing his journal that ended up being over 1,000 pages long.

Thankfully, he had no shortage of food or cigarettes, as the airport staff felt responsible to help him out. He was partial to fast food, eating regularly at the local Mc Donald’s. He also kept up with the world’s events by reading newspapers and was able to stay groomed by washing himself in the men’s restroom.

Eventually, the media picked up on his story and he was flocked by journalists. Would the attention of the public help him gain his legal documents back?

His hardship touched many people, including civilians who wrote encouraging messages and letters of goodwill to him. At some point, he even received a donation of $100 from Dr. Philippe Bargain, pictured above. He was the chief medical officer of Charles De Gaulle airport at the time, and he felt compelled to help Nasseri.